Thursday, January 25, 2007

Recent Walks

I've been lax in my walking routine and also in jotting it down. I walked my half hour course the following dates: 1/20, 21, 23 and 24. The latter two days were treadmill walks due to cold weather and the former, were outside walks.

Friday, January 19, 2007

1-18 Treadmill

I walked on the treadmill for 50 min. yesterday, since the weather has been cold outside for the last week.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


1-8 Hubby and I didn't really walk for exercise this day, but we did get exercising walking downtown up and down a one-mile road window shopping and stopping for lunch (just for the record).

1/9 Hubby and I walked our 1-hr route today.

1-10 I walked my 1-hr route without any jogging today. I wasn't feeling very good all day.

Friday, January 05, 2007

1-5 Walk/ Jog

I walked and jogged my 1-hr route with effort today. Lung capacity didn't feel full. I was coughing and felt some pain in my chest. I finished it and I'm happy for that. I will continue forward from here. Each day is new.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Jan. 2, 2007 Walk/Jog

I walked and jogged my 1-hr. route outside today. I can feel my lungs increasing in their capacity for air, tho I'm still gasping when I jog. I received encouragement this day from a person-angel who yelled out to me as I was jogging by her house, "is this your New Year's Resolution!?".

"Kind of..." I gasped with a big grin.

"Oh, you're so good!" she exclaimed with a smile.

Beaming from the encouragement, I stated, "I'm only jogging to end of this street [where I will fight for my breath and begin walking]". Then, as I passed another neighbor in his garage cleaning out years of junk to make way for new Christmas junk I called out, "Happy New Year!".

I made it further down than that street than previous trips. Thank you to the people angels for that little bit of support to continue on my journey.

Monday, January 01, 2007

12-31 Walk

Hubby and I walked the half route. It was chilly and we were too cold to go the hour. I've been slacking over the holidays. I will pick it back up again after all this hullabaloo passes from holiday madness. I know it's no excuse, tho.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

12-26 Walk

Walked my half route with the doggie and the child that I babysit.

Monday, December 25, 2006

12-25 Jog to the Chill Wind

Though it was windy and cold, doggie and I stepped it up to a jog today and had a nice Xmas morning exercise session on my half route. I think I burned more calories preparing the holiday meal, conversing and exchanging gifts with relatives til late into the evening. Bed never sounded so inviting...

Saturday, December 23, 2006

12-22/23 Walk

Doggie and I walked very fast for half of my route Fri. and Sat. My shins and ankles were hurting so badly from the previous day's race walk with him. I may be escaping over to doggie's house Xmas day when I'll be deluged with inlaw family. Help!

Friday, December 22, 2006

12-21 Walk, Jog

I walked and jogged with my doggie pet-sitting client yesterday. I wore him out after a half hour, so I took him home, then finished my hour route. Him and I will be exercising again today thru Xmas day. Hubby will be joining us, so I may be walking a little slower so they can keep up. Hehehee. I really enjoy pet sitting. The walk takes on a broader dimension when there's another creature walking beside me, even if I do have to walk a bit slower.