Saturday, August 05, 2006

Journey to Slimness

Hubby and I bought my first treadmill today for $150 from an individual. It's a Weslo, Cadence, very simple model, with the easy-to-understand up and down arrows for the belt speed, as well as the incline adjustment. Two cup holders are also built in, along with a stand for books or other time-wasting paraphernalia. I walked for 10 minutes today at 3 mph for 10 min. I was huffing and puffing, too. I usually walk outside for about 45 minutes and this felt more difficult. I think there is a moderate incline to the belt already - just the way it's designed. Anyway, I am going to log my results here for an ongoing journal to my progress. I am not on any health program, I have no goal other than to incorporate daily exercise as a lifestyle change. I would hope that slimness would be a byproduct to this lifestyle adjustment, but I love my body big or small. I feel better when I'm thin and I know from past experience that I can be thin by exercising regularly. However, I also know that I have been so excessive with exercise in the past that I burned out (training for and running marathons). So today I choose to have regular exerise as part of my day and lifestyle.

I have posted a picture of the way I look now with all of my lumps and round places. I've let it all hang out, too. No air brushing or anything like that mars the reality of how I look. When the extra poundage begins to melt away, I will see actual results from my action. It looks like there are two of me, doesn't it? Ha ha. It must be that Geminii thang happenin'.!


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