Monday, August 07, 2006

8-7 Jog, Walk, Yoga

Do I look hot? Ha ha. I mean, hot as in sweaty? I sure am. I just ran/walked for 12 minutes on that machine and I was moaning out loud in anguish for the exertion. I'm amazed at how out of shape I have gotten. What a whimp! The treadmill doesn't lie. I was only running at 4.5 mph and had to reduce it to 4 mph because that's when the moaning started. LOL. I cooled down with some of my yoga asanas.

Higher Self voice to Daria: "You did good, Girl! I'm proud of you. Keep up the good work! You can do this. You are going to see results. And you are going to keep these results for life now. Ok!?"


You know, this is kind of fun, albeit embarassing as "H". This is going to keep me honest logging my progress here. In my younger days, I was highly motivated by Ego to stay thin. It was who I was... lean, athletic, successful corporate woman, home-owner, leader. Yeah, right. Who cares -- anybody who is out there competing with other thin, athletic, corporate women, I guess. Today there is no ego leading me. I don't have to be anything to be ok with who I am. As a meditator, there is no "I", only awareness of passing experience. In this moment, I watch myself performing body exertion as skillful action toward a leaner body. I watch with humour.

There's no shame in where I'm at with this body. I'm not alone in my obesity. Obesity is America's middle name, I'm beginning to think. It is the manifestation of "much". My body is the outer reflection of my inner life. I have much, I am much. But I choose to reflect my much in other ways now. I no longer need to carry this load around. I am freeing myself from all attachments the more aware I become in this life.

So, 12 minutes today, approx. 1 mile of exercise. I won't write how many calories or fat the treadmill told me I burned because I am a little skeptical of it. I feel I had a good workout and I'm looking forward to another one tomorrow. I am hoping it will get a little easier next Monday. But I will try to withhold expectations.


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