Tuesday, December 26, 2006

12-26 Walk

Walked my half route with the doggie and the child that I babysit.

Monday, December 25, 2006

12-25 Jog to the Chill Wind

Though it was windy and cold, doggie and I stepped it up to a jog today and had a nice Xmas morning exercise session on my half route. I think I burned more calories preparing the holiday meal, conversing and exchanging gifts with relatives til late into the evening. Bed never sounded so inviting...

Saturday, December 23, 2006

12-22/23 Walk

Doggie and I walked very fast for half of my route Fri. and Sat. My shins and ankles were hurting so badly from the previous day's race walk with him. I may be escaping over to doggie's house Xmas day when I'll be deluged with inlaw family. Help!

Friday, December 22, 2006

12-21 Walk, Jog

I walked and jogged with my doggie pet-sitting client yesterday. I wore him out after a half hour, so I took him home, then finished my hour route. Him and I will be exercising again today thru Xmas day. Hubby will be joining us, so I may be walking a little slower so they can keep up. Hehehee. I really enjoy pet sitting. The walk takes on a broader dimension when there's another creature walking beside me, even if I do have to walk a bit slower.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

12-16/17 Walk

Hubby and I had a nice walk outside both Sat. and Sun.

Friday, December 15, 2006

12-15 Walk

Hubby and I walked the 1-hr. route today. We stopped and sat for a while and chatted beside the little pond in the far back area, pretending it was our backyard.

12-14 Walk/Jog Outside

I walked and jogged my 1-hr. route outside yesterday. I didn't look at the time when I finished, tho. My ankles have been hurting since my last jog. Hubby and I are going to walk today, so I may wrap my ankles. One good thing: the ankles are not swollen very much. I also think I notice some weight is gone from my upper body- even in my face. So I will try to post a pic on here one of these days to see if I can notice a difference from the ones I posted when I began this blog.

Monday, December 11, 2006

12-11 Walk/Jog Outside

I walked and jogged my long, 1-hr. route today and finished in 45 min. I ran more of the route today and I felt like my breath was ok, but the body was still blub blubbing. People saw me, but I don't care, cause I'm not stopping until the weight is off. Also, I finished the whole route and realized when I was cooling down that my shorts were inside out, with a nice white tag, like a neon beacon, probably flapping like mad on my rear end. Hahahahah. I always did like to give the people something to laugh about.

I would also like to note that I saw a lady walking today who waved at me. Later, I recognized her as my neighbor, whom I've seen two or three other times within the last week or two, walking at the same time of day as me. Later, when I left in the truck, I saw another lady walking, whom I've seen a couple times before, as well. So, there are hopes of me finding some walk mates for future treks to the nether regions of my subdivision. That would be nice to have a buddy or two walk with me. I think I would be more motivated to go on those days when the lazy bones set in.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

12-10 Yoga

It was raining today. My bones ached so much, so I did my full yoga routine and I felt almost immediate relief. Something about the twisting of the spine...

Saturday, December 09, 2006

12-8 Walk, Jog Treadmill

It was too cold for me to run outside today, so I did a quick 22-min. walk/run on the treadmill. I don't know why it feels harder on the treadmill, but it feels like a chore. I may need to look for a treadmill that has a more flat surface.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

12-7 Walk, Jog Outside

It was very chilly today with a strong North wind. I walked my 1-hour route, but I finished 15 min. early from running some of the way. I felt heavy when I was running, but I could breathe pretty well, so I went ahead and blub blubbed along, irregardless of passersby. The cold wind was also a great help in motivating me to put it in a higher gear today.

I dropped the finch seed over by the trees where I had seen them the other day, but there was no sign of any kind of bird there. Maybe they'll find it and have a hardy meal before this cold front overcomes us today/tonight. I'll be back out tomorrow, running these buns off.

Monday, December 04, 2006

12-4 Walk Outside

I walked in the chilly sunshine today for 1 hour. I saw tiny finches nesting in a couple Live Oak trees and almost snapped a pic with my cell phone, but too late - they flew off. Tomorrow, I'll bring some seed with me and try to get a pic. I would like to identify which kind of finch it is and read about them.

am going to try to continue doing the 1-hour walks now, vs. 30 or 45 min. I really can feel the benefit more. I also feel I am on the edge of jogging. So, hopefully in the next couple of months, I'll be writing about my jogging routine. Hubby may have a hard time keeping up on the weekends.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

12-3 Walk Outside

Hubby and I had a nice walk yesterday for 35 min.