Friday, September 29, 2006

9-28 Walk

I forgot to write that I did my normal walk yesterday. I was slower and my ankles were swollen again. I might take today off. Maybe just ride bike.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

9-26 Walk

In my new shoes, I walked my route in 29 min. today. I'm unstoppable.

Monday, September 25, 2006

9-25 Walk

After 3 days of staying off my swollen ankles, I finally bought some new shoes and wore them in my walk today without mishap. I've been wrapping the ankles, soaking and icing them. Hubby says I should go to the doctor, but we both agree the doc will just tell me to wrap, soak, ice them, take a Motrin and call him in the morning (and hand me a $200 doctor bill probably, too). So, in this moment, they are not too bad. Just a little bubble of swelling where the wrap missed. I'll see how they look tomorrow. If they look bad tomorrow, I will be riding the bike from here on out.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

9-18, 19, 20 Walk

9-18 Walked the usual route. Uneventful.

9-19 Walked my usual route in the cool day. I feel more fit - muscles feel tighter and do I dare say I even think I looked thinner when I looked in the mirror today. My arms seemed smaller. I'll wait a couple weeks and tape a pic and see if it could be true...

9-20 Ankles swelling. Still haven't gotten new shoes. I hate to shop. Walked my usual route pretty fast - 30 min. Trying to get that ole butt into the action of walking. I notice I walk from my ankles, so I am consciously trying to use other muscles.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

9-16 Walk

Hubby and I enjoyed a brisk walk yesterday on our regular route. Today he is complaining of pain in his hips. My feet and ankles hurt as always. Hopefully, something is happening - like body is slimming down. I can't see anything, yet, but ever hopeful...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

9-13 and 9-14 Bike/Walk

9-13 I took the bike out for a venture today and got half way to the convenience store, realizing I had no cash with me. So I was not able to buy a goodie, but I did ride out pretty far. There is a steep hill leading out of our subdivision, so I was using those muscles in the rear portion of my body quite a bit. When I returned, I was able to coast all the way down that hill, which is approximately .5 miles, so no workout there. I still need to buy some new shoes so I can return to my daily walks without swelling ankles.

9-14 Walked my usual route for 35 min. today. Uneventful, but enjoyable.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

9-9 & 9-10 Walk outside with Hubby

9-9 Hubby joined me today for a walk on the usual route. It was not a brisk walk, but enjoyable nonetheless. Ankles are still swelling a bit. I am going to look for new shoes...

9-10 Another nice walk with my husband, though it was hot by the time we set out.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

9-5 thru 8 Walk Outside

9-5 I walked briskly outside today for 32 minutes today. My ankles are still swelling a little, though not as badly as over the weekend. It was refreshing to be outside, enjoying nature again today. We'll see how the ankles look in the morning. If I need to, I will soak them in bath salts again.

9-6 Another 35 minute brisk walk outside in the cool air. I took a slightly longer route just to get away from the main road and traffic. Hips are feeling the stress, along with my ankles, but everything is holding up pretty good. Ankles show no swelling today.

9-7 Ditto yesterday. Ankles swollen a little, butt and hips sore, but not so much that I can't walk. The days are still cool and perfect for outdoor walking.

9-8 Workout same as yesterday. Same pains and swellings, but too nice outside to pass up the chance to walk. Treadmill is still taking up space and there for a rainy day.

9-3 Swim, Bike

My ankles have been swollen since my last workout, so I've decided to take it easy and stay off my feet until the swelling subsides. We biked to the pool and swam laps until we were breathless, then biked the long way back home.