Tuesday, August 29, 2006


When I began this journey I think I made the statement that I am not in a program and I have no agenda with this journey to slimness. I don't know if that's true. At this time, my main goal is to walk every day, with one day off per week. I am walking to maintain good health. But part of that good health is a slim body and I do have the hope that my body will slim down naturally as a result of daily exercise. These are my main motivations for working out.

I recently heard myself tell my husband, in response to his suggestion that I get a better treadmill, that I would get one if I saw results from using this one. I said I would even set a goal, and if I reached the goal, the new treadmill could be my reward. Also one day I noted that my yoga pants were a teensy bit looser. I decided that if these yoga pants get loose enough to wear in public, I will reward myselfby spending the money to take at least one real yoga class (vs. only doing yoga with the DVD.) So, I think it's ok if I put some goals here. If I attain them - wonderful. If I don't, at least I'm trying.


1. Maintain exercise 6 days/week, at least 20 min./day and ultimately, 30 min./day for 4 consecutive weeks. This can be any of the following: walk, jog, run, swim, yoga, bike.

REWARD: Treadmill with a wider track and a built-in fan.

2. Trim down body fat using exercise and also conscious eating habits. When yoga pants are loose (not clinging to rump/thighs),

REWARD: take at least 1 yoga class, and if I like the class, possible membership.


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